Juan Santamaria
Executive Chairman, MEng (Civil)
Appointed Executive Chairman of CIMIC Group on 6 November 2020. Juan was Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of CIMIC between February 2020 and June 2022. He formerly held positions as th...

Pedro Vicente
Chief Executive Officer, MEng, ICCP
Appointed as Chief Executive Officer in June 2022. Pedro formerly held roles as Executive General Manager Operations of CIMIC and Managing Director of Leighton Asia.
Pedro joined Leighton Asi...

Derek Kerr
Chief Financial Officer, BA (Hons) Accounting & Economics, FCA
Appointed Chief Financial Officer in June 2023. Derek was formerly UGL's Chief Financial Officer, responsible for leading the UGL finance team through a period of transformation.
Prior to UG...

Corey Hannett
Chief Operating Officer, BEng (Civil), GAICD
Appointed Chief Operating Officer in October 2023.
Corey was formerly Director General at Victoria’s Major Transport Infrastructure Authority, responsible for delivering the state’s Big Build...

Andrew Nolan
Chief People and Administration Officer, LLB (Hons), BsocSC, GAICD
Appointed as Chief People and Administration Officer in September 2022. Andrew is also CPB Contractor’s Executive General Manager - People & Culture and has spent more than 15 years in executiv...

David Bond
Group General Manager Health & Safety
Appointed Group General Manager Health & Safety in December 2017. David was formerly Thiess's General Manager Health, Safety & Security, responsible for leading initiatives to minimise harm...

Michael Cooper
General Counsel, BCom (UNSW), LLM (UTS)
Appointed as General Counsel in March 2022. Michael was formerly CIMIC’s Senior Legal Counsel.
A senior corporate and commercial lawyer with more than 15 years' experience, Michael joined CIM...

Kate Glennon
Company Secretary, BComm, FGIA, FCG
Appointed Company Secretary in August 2022. Kate was formerly Assistant Company Secretary of CIMIC and Company Secretariat Advisor at CPB Contractors.
Kate has a Bachelor of Commerce from the...

John Lazenby
Executive General Manager Project Controls, Audit and Transformation, BEng(Hons), MBA, MICE, CEng (UK)
Appointed Executive General Manager Project Controls, Audit and Transformation in 2022. John Lazenby was formerly General Manager Operations at CPB Contractors.
John has a Bachelor of Civil E...

George Sassine
Executive General Manager Investment and Group Property, Bachelor of Building UNSW (Hons), GAICD
Appointed Executive General Manager Investment and Group Property in January 2016.
George previously held positions within CIMIC Group including Executive General Manager Corporate Advisory a...

Rob Stuart
Executive General Manager Information Systems and Digital Innovation, BCom CPA PMP ITIL-F
Appointed as Executive General Manager Information Systems and Digital Innovation in January 2021. Rob was formerly CPB Contractors’ General Manager ICT and has been with the CIMIC Group since 2012...

Fiona Tyndall
Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs and Communications, LLB, BA, GAICD
Appointed Executive General Manager Corporate Affairs and Communications in 2021. Fiona was formerly General Manager Corporate Affairs and Communications.
Fiona joined CIMIC Group in April 20...

Colin Young
Executive General Manager, Strategy, Investments & Acquisitions, MBA
Appointed Executive General Manager of Strategy, Investments & Acquisitions in February 2024. Colin has been a member of CIMIC’s Investments, Mergers & Acquisitions team since 2016 and has ...