We’re pleased to report that CIMIC Group has again been recognised for achieving a ‘Leading’ level of Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) reporting by the Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI). This follows recognition of our sustainability performance by the FTSE4Good Index earlier this year.
To determine CIMIC Group’s ‘Leading’ rating, ACSI analysed and benchmarked ESG reporting by all companies in the ASX200. Click here to read more.
The Australian Council of Superannuation Investors (ACSI)
rated CIMIC Group against the ASX200 index as a whole, and our company's sector
“Repeated recognition as a sector leader by ACSI and inclusion in the FTSE4Good Index for the fifth year in a row, recognises CIMIC’s high level of sustainability commitment and performance.” Justin Grogan, CIMIC Group Executive General Manager Investor Relations & Sustainability.
The FTSE4Good Index Series, created by the global index provider FTSE Russell, measures companies’ ESG practices against globally recognised standards. In September 2020 the Series recognised our continued performance in areas including bio-diversity, labour standards, anti-corruption and risk management.
Why is sustainability important?
For CIMIC Group, sustainability is integral to the creation of value. Our approach is about building a reputation as a provider of choice with our clients and shareholders and creating a positive legacy for our stakeholders and our people, and for the communities in which we work and live.
Further information
Click here for further information about our approach to sustainability.
Read more information about the FTSE4Good Index here.