CIMIC Group supports the goals of the Paris Climate Agreement (Glasgow) to address global warming or climate change.
We are committed to achieving:
- net zero for Scope 1 (primarily fuels) by 2038
- net zero for Scope 2 (purchased electricity) by 2038
- net zero for Scope 3 (primarily materials such as concrete, steel and bitumen, as well as waste and travel) by 2045.
In the shorter term, we have set targets, and are on track, to reduce our Scope 1 and 2 emissions by 20% by 2025, from a 2019 base.
The Group systematically tracks and reports on its energy usage and calculates the resultant greenhouse gas emissions.
CIMIC’s absolute emissions profile is ultimately a function of the scale and type of projects we deliver on behalf of clients, resulting in variable emissions being generated year to year.
Each of the Group’s Operating Companies is pursuing a range of energy efficiency initiatives that promote the delivery of energy efficient, environmentally and socially responsible projects.
We will reach our net zero commitment in close cooperation with our clients, business partners and suppliers.